The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry

Throughout the centuries, 

humanity has devised countless ways to support a shift –


a shift out of our usual pressured, leaning- into-the-future doing mode 

into the simplicity, ease, and quiet joy of just Be-ing . . .

countless ways of what we refer to as “remembering to be.”


These means include simple breathing exercises -

or just a gentle noticing of sensations of the breath as they ripple through the body, 


deep relaxation practices which can take us to 

previously unknown depths of quietude,


simple mindfulness exercises which bring us out

of our obsession with the past 

and our anxious hopes for the future

and allow us to rest in the rich simplicity of the present moment,


simple evocative imagery -

such as that of the vast unbounded sky -

to inspire within us a gentle reminder of our own vast, unbounded, 

spacious sky-like awareness.


But the heart does not need techniques, 

though childlike beauty may inspire it.


And what greater gift of beauty than that of a radiant childlike sweetness, such as that given to us by the great American poet Wendell Berry, who reminds us of  

the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief,

remind us of the peace of still waters,

and to rest in the grace of the world where,

at least for a moment, we can be free.....


Don Salmon