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Frequently Asked Questions


These are some of the questions that may come up for you as you consider whether to sign up for our Effortless Sleep course, From Restless Nights to Effortless Sleep. Click on the purple links below to see our answers.

If you would like further clarification, or have other questions about our Effortless Sleep course, please don’t hesitate to write to us at



How much time will I need to devote to the course?


These are the basic activities you’ll be engaged in during the course, and the approximate amount of time it will take for each:

  • 20-30 minutes each night for a wind down period before sleep, during which you'll be listening to a 20-30 minute audio of a "Non-Sleep Deep Rest" (Yoga Nidra) practice.

  • 1-3 minutes each morning to fill out a simple sleep log..

  • 3-5 additional minutes each night in Weeks 5-8 to do a brief Review of the Day practice.

  • 1 hour a week for a live Zoom Q & A session.  

That's it!



Can you tell me a little more about the course?


The course has three basic components:

  • CBT-I (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia) which, since 2016, has been recommended by the American College of Physicians as the #1, first line treatment for insomnia - before using either drugs or supplements.

  • Effortless Mindfulness - a research-supported approach to mindfulness practice which is particularly well suited to promoting good sleep. Mindfulness practices in general have been commonly and effectively used as complements to CBT-I since 2010. Effortless Mindfulness is a more relaxed and more enjoyable way of practicing mindfulness, and it is more effective for sleep.

  • Non-Sleep Deep Rest, also known as "Yoga Nidra" or Yogic Sleep - a practice involving unusually deep states of relaxation that has been shown in some research to be a powerful complement to CBT-I. 

Since letting go of effort is central to letting go into sleep, we encourage you all along the way to approach each and every aspect of the course in a relaxed, playful way that makes the parctices not only more enjoyable, but also more effective.



What if I’ve tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia before and it didn’t work for me? 
And what if I've tried mindfulness and didn't like it? 


I became certified in CBT-I because there are many people for whom it has truly been a life-saver. Having said that, there is a significant minority of people for whom it does not work so well. To address this significant minority, in the last ten years or so, mindfulness was integrated into the CBT-I program.

As someone who has practiced and taught mindfulness for several decades, I know that it can greatly facilitate deep relaxation and restorative sleep. However, I also know that, just as with CBT-I, people often fail to benefit from it because they’re trying too hard. That's why we teach a form of mindfulness practice known as Effortless Mindfulness. As the name suggests, it is a more relaxed and, for many, more enjoyable way of practicing mindfulness - and one that is particularly suitable for promoting good sleep.

Because relaxation and ease are at the heart of falling asleep, we also teach CBT-I, as well as the Yoga Nidra practices, in the playful, light-hearted spirit of effortlessness.



Everyone talks about “sleep hygiene” 
Do you include that?


Sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleep habits such as getting enough sunlight, healthy eating, regular exercise, and being careful not to drink coffee or alcohol too close to bedtime. These are all very supportive of sleep, but many people find them too difficult to do. And even when you do manage to incorporate some of these habits, they are rarely sufficient by themselves to make a difference if you're someone who's had longstanding sleep problems.

But it is an important area to take into consideration. We will be encouraging you throughout the course, to slowly begin to include a few healthy sleep habits that would be easiest and most effective for you.



What if I have difficulty being disciplined?


We've gone to great lengths to structure the course in a way that requires a minimum of discipline, and we've designed the lessons and practices to be easy and enjoyable.

Here are some other things we've done to make it easy for you:

  • We provide you with a different guided Yoga Nidra audio each week for your wind-down period, so that all you have to do is press "Start" and listen.

  • We've greatly simplified the typical "Sleep Log" to make it easy for you to fill out.

  • We are available every day in the Conversation Lounge to answer your questions, make suggestions to help you get the most out of the course, and to help keep you inspired and motivated to continue.